About Megumi Fujita
How my journey began
Megumi is a soul well beyond her 29 years on this planet. She comes with wisdom, compassion and understanding as she has experienced so much so far in this lifetime. It is her greatest passion and purpose in life to help all women she encounters to feel empowered, loved, and seen for the true embodiment of their feminine selves. Megumi teaches two feminine movement practices that help women cultivate a more full and embodied life, S Factor and Femme!. As a certified S Factor Instructor, she helps guide women in discovering their erotic truth all the while teaching a fun, sexy and sensual workout. As a Femme! Attuned Teacher, she is a guide in helping women move their stuck emotions through the body allowing them to be wild, primal and raw. It brings her great pleasure to help women discover their truth so that they can be wide, open and connected to keep their desires burning strong.
website: www.megumi-fujita.com